North of West Palm Beach, Florida is the charming town of Hobe Sound. Renown for its numerous parks and nature preserves as well as the ever popular sandbars where boaters from all around gather every weekend, Hobe Sound is a hidden gem on the Treasure Coast of Florida. With wide open spaces as well as exclusive gated neighborhoods, Hobe Sound is also home to numerous golf courses and tennis clubs. Hike the trails at Jonathan Dickinson State Park or watch the wave geyers that form at Blowing Rock Preserve, or take a kayak trip down the numerous canals and waterways. Hobe Sound Florida is your destination home for a fun, active lifestyle.
Hobe Sound FL real estate listings are displayed below and updated multiple times a day from the MLS.
For more information about any of these Hobe Sound homes for sale, just click the "Call Us" or "Email Form" buttons when viewing the details of a property. We can provide you with disclosures, past sales history, dates and prices of homes, condos and townhomes recently sold nearby in Hobe Sound, and more.
Our team of professionals provides real estate services throughout Hobe Sound and all up and down the Treasure and Space Coasts. All of our dedicated real estate agents have detailed knowledge of current homes for sale in Hobe Sound and the local communities and amenities helping people find the home that's just right!
In today's Real Estate marketplace, it's important to have assurance that your Real Estate agents have the skills and tools to help you buy or sell. We are a part of the Coldwell Banker Schmidt Family of Companies and offer you cutting edge technology, and unparalleled marketing to help sell your home. The Coldwell Banker Schmidt Family of Companies markets your property on over 750 real estate websites to reach the maximum number of potential buyers. Our Luxury digital homes magazine is distributed to 100,000+ potential buyers, and can be viewed at Let us help you find the home of your dreams in the Hobe Sound Area. Our website includes all homes for sale in Hobe Sound, all Hobe Sound waterfront homes, commercial properties, and vacant land for sale in Hobe Sound.